Ski Weekends

Ski Company SEO Case Study
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Since our successful site migration, we owe a huge amount of credit for traffic, enquiries and bookings to SEO. Simon has done an unbelievable job and continues to improve our SEO performance season after season.

– Managing Director, SkiWeekends

Project Details

Client: SkiWeekends

Date: 14th April 2024


Ski Weekends have over 30 years experience in short break ski holidays from the UK to the Alps. After a successful site migration to preserve SEO rankings, we were tasked to deliver more relevant traffic to the site, as well as improving current rankings even further. SkiWeekends now rule the roost for any search terms related to short ski breaks, 3, 4 or 5 night breaks, catered chalet holidays in specific resorts and we also capture long tail keywords using their blog.
RESULTS: - We delivered a 40% increase in SEO traffic from Winter 2022/23 to the end of Winter 2023/24, as well as an impressive 72% increase in enquiries from SEO. Competing successfully with Crystal Ski, WeSki, SkiWorld, Heidi and other tour operators for search terms such as "short ski breaks", "verbier ski holidays", "catered chalets avoriaz" and many others.

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